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Marketing PsychologyPsychology of Persuasion

Escalating Commitment: The Rule of 10 in Persuasion

Escalating Commitment: The Rule of 10 in Persuasion

Although the escalating commitment is one of the best persuasion techniques ever used as we already mentioned in the previous article “When Persuasion Kills!”, yet because it necessitates a lot of patience, stamina, and intelligence, that’s why less people actually use it,
and other less people can use it efficiently. However, once you try it over and over, then you can’t quit using it out of its significance effect. So, to use escalating commitment in any field or situation, just recall the rule of 10, where you have to ask your prospect to commit to ten preliminary requests prior presenting your real request, which will be the eleventh request.
When you hold a meeting with a prospective client, that won’t last over an hour, so prior presenting you real request, whether it’s the final price, the proper product, or the best solution to the problem facing the client, you can begin by presenting your ten requests in a savvy way, like asking your client to take a sit on a certain chair claiming it’s more comfortable for him, then to ask him to hand you over a paper out of your reach, then to ask him to have a certain drink from your choice.
These kinds of requests that have no relationship with the main topic actually got a marvelous effect on increasing the compliance to your real request. As well, you can use some requests relating to your topic, like proposing your client a certain model, or to choose for him the best design or product, then to ask him to let you choose the way of presenting the whole matter, and then also to urge him to tell you about all his concerns.
Once the prospect gets used to comply with your tiny requests, it automatically increases the possibility of accepting and committing to the real issue, because of your client’s current unconscious familiarity to put you in the position of authority, while putting himself in the state of continuous compliance.
Now, why that person who tries to persuade you always begin by asking you to continue the phrase “You know dude, one plus one always equal…?” and you have no way but to answer “Two.” and then directly he presents his request, which will have more ability to infiltrate your mind and subsequently, securing more compliance.
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